4th International Conference on
Natural Products Utilization

From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf

29 May - 01 June 2019
Albena resort, Bulgaria

Link to ICNPU-2023 here

Dear Colleagues:
Dear ICNPU family members:
The 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf (ICNPU-2019) is now over. In excess of 85 oral presentations and 240+ posters were delivered at ICNPU-2019 by experts, coming out from 50 different countries around the globe. Eight best poster and oral awards were given.
ICNPU meetings traditionally attempt to cover the wide spectrum of application of plants with special emphasis on the sustainable use of natural products, emerging -omics platforms and recent trends in (ethno)pharmacology, toxicology, molecular biology and biotechnology.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed the scientific program as well as social activities, and hence brought back to your places many nice memories from Bulgaria. Your feedback in this direction is more than welcome.
We look forward to welcome you again @ the 5th ICNPU in 2023!

Milen I. Georgiev, PhD
Chair of the Organizing Committee


  Meeting updates

ICNPU-2019 Pictures - 17 June

ICNPU-2019 Awardees - 5 June

ePosters - updated 5 June

Workshop informarion is now available here - 21 May
ICNPU Program - updated 13 May

Transfers informartion is now available here - 5 April

Two awards for outstanding ORAL/POSTER presentations by Bulgarian Phytochemical Society - 18 March

Award for outstanding ORAL/POSTER presentation by International Natural Product Science Taskforce - 18 March
Biotechnology Advances (Elsevier) will publish a special issue with selected papers from ICNPU-2019 - 20 December